Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Ah, Togetherness

Because of the storm, the husband wound up spending Monday and most of Tuesday at home. Not fun. I can understand how women with retired husbands get so frustrated.

It's not like he hasn't spent large amounts of time at home before. He was out of work for a whole year, after all. But that was when we had a new baby, and I was glad for the help as I figured out how to be a mother.

Now, though, I have a schedule and I stick to it pretty closely. The toddler tends to go to pieces I've found if the rhythm of her daily life is disrupted too much, whereas with a schedule she thrives. Having Daddy home, with the TV tuned to a news channel all day long as he naps on the couch, is a major disruption. More than a couple of days of having Daddy around can mean several days of fighting over naps, meals, and not jumping from high places.

We need to have a talk once he's home. I feel horrible saying this, but he's going to have to understand this isn't a vacation. He's going to have to cooperate with the existing schedule or we're going to have complete chaos and hysteria.

I don't deal well with ongoing hysteria.

Whine, whinge, moan and complain. At least he's a reasonable man. And I do love him.

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