Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Now it's simply getting silly.

In the last week we've had an unexpected custody change of the teenager -- which meant the husband had to make a five day round trip drive to pick him up -- during which he got in an accident -- which totalled our only vehicle -- which meant today we bought a new-to-us car -- which broke down on the way home from the car lot. Luckily we also bought the ridiculously overpriced service agreement, which should now be well on its way toward paying for itself if the husband is right and the problem is indeed in the transmission. We'll find out tomorrow after the dealer tows our new paperweight back to their garage.

This is on top of all the stuff I've blogged about over the last couple of months - a death, a broken dryer, getting laid off and never forgetting the commissary incident, to name a few, not to mention all the stuff I didn't blog about because I thought things were getting too whiny here -- like the gutter that fell off the roof, the broken window in the kitchen door and my dental bridge coming loose.

Sometimes life hits you with so many curve balls that all you can do is sit and laugh. Which is what I'm doing as I sit and wait for the tornado to hit us!

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