Monday, June 07, 2004

The problem is, if you see three, there are billions more hiding in your walls.

I may have to hurt the teen.

He told me last week that he'd found a cockroach in his room. That was not good. I immediately started worrying. Sure enough, a couple of days later he came in and told me he'd found another one. And just now, one ran across the floor.

I am so going to kill him.

Let me point out that this problem is not in the kitchen, the logical place to find roaches. No, it's in his bedroom and around the computer.

Last summer, after he went back to his mom's, I went in to clean his room and took out two full garbage bags of candy wrappers and soda bottles. I've been working so hard to maintain some control over what comes into this house, but I'm guessing right now that he's somehow smuggled stuff in.

The computer is another problem area because he keeps eating over here, and if I don't catch him and get after him, he'll leave the dishes here overnight instead of putting them in the dishwasher.

He is so cleaning his room first thing in the morning.

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