Tuesday, September 28, 2004

And then he decided he didn't want it anyway.

The teen has been sick and successfully begged me to go to the bookstore to pick up a role playing guide for him today. He thinks he's very persuasive. Hah! In actuality, I wanted to pick up Lani's book. I wouldn't have made the time for myself, but given two reasons, it didn't take much to overcome my reluctance to spend money on myself.

Walking into the store I glanced over the books on display, just a quick look. After all, I wasn't in the market for them, I was going to be good and confine myself to only one book. I was jolted to realize one large display was for someone I know online. Then, as I was looking for Time Off for Good Behavior, I spotted a couple of other names I know, all members of various writing groups I belong to.

It's never hit me before, just how broad and welcoming the internet writer's community is, at least the female side of it. (I can't say I know many male writers.) I doubt if any of these women, besides Lani, would recognize my name. I tend to have brief spurts of participation divided by long periods of lurking. But I know them, and if I wrote to them through the list I would probably get a kind response and any assistance I requested. That's just so ... wow.

Hi. My name is Jennifer, and I know many talented people.

P.S. - They didn't have Time Off. The sales clerk told me the computer said it wasn't coming out until mid-October. Um, yeah. I'll just order it from Amazon, then, OK?

Seriously. You have got to read it. It's a great book.

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