Friday, April 01, 2005

It's hard to read a novel when someone keeps sneezing on the pages.

I am bored out of my mind right now. It's all in a good cause, but. Nevertheless. I am nearly to the point of pulling out individual strands of hair, just for the change of pace.

The toddler is just wildly ill at the moment. She won't sleep unless either the husband or I is holding her (which means ME! As it would be nice to have money to keep a roof over our sick child's head.) She won't eat. I can get her to drink, but only if what I'm offering her is slightly sweet (diluted fruit juice is working out well.)

Most of the time I've just been sitting around, holding her draped across my shoulder as she cries and fusses and suffers through her virus. Poor little thing. I hate it when they're sick.

The preschooler has been watching way too much TV as I try to keep her happy so I can spend my time comforting the toddler. My brain is starting to leak out my ears from so much children's programming.

And it's an incredibly beautiful day outside. If everyone was well we could go fly the preschooler's kite, or play with the sidewalk chalk I got them (incidentally, the preschooler can't seem to figure out the word chalk. Instead she keeps calling the stuff "tacos" and "porkchops." As in: "I want to go draw with my tacos, mommy!")

I could eat chocolate, I suppose. That's always entertaining.

No, I don't want to hear any reasons why I shouldn't, thank you.

So there.

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