Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Written between toddler temper tantrums

It's hard to blog when everyone's home. Not only is there much jostling and shoving for computer time, they all want me to do unreasonable things, like making breakfast and lunch.

The toddler's head is healing up beautifully. I thought she'd have a big ol' bruise on her forehead, but all she has is a couple of scabs. I haven't even needed to give her Tyenol.

The kid who might have had appendicitis who only had strep throat? Naturally (at least it seems natural to me!) we didn't go over for the playdate. Sunday I saw Strep Throat Kid's mom at church. She was upset with me for not coming over. "He's on penicillin!" she told me.

Ooookay. As I recall from when I was a kid, strep always involved several days of lying on the couch, feverish and throwing up. Glad to see he isn't going through that. Nevertheless, I will not be bringing my children over until I am sure Strep Throat Kid's younger siblings are not current strep incubators. I have no desire to go through that with my two, none whatsoever.

I finally had the courage to go through the girls' old clothes and decide what to give away and what to keep forever. I did pretty well. I only kept a few things and managed to put most of the clothes into two large garbage bags, to give to a neighbor who has a new baby girl, with only a couple of pangs.

We may not be moving. We've been thinking it over further and we're not sure that buying is the right move right now. We'd be in a better position to buy if we had more of a downpayment, so we're seriously considering waiting a year, while we save up. We're still talking it over, but I think we'll be staying here for the time being. Which gives me mixed feelings. I'm worried about the rising home prices around here and it would be nice to have our own place, where I could plant flowers and we could put up a fence so the dog could be outside without needing constant supervision. But, I wasn't looking forward to moving again so soon and I wasn't happy with the housing selection in our price range.

Why did I think life would be easier when I was an adult? Oh, that's right. I'd never paid my own utility bills.

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