Friday, August 05, 2005

Fantasizing at o'dark hundred.

For some reason Arielle has started getting up at 5:45 every morning. Gabrielle, on the other hand, has started staying awake for long hours every night, seldom falling asleep before 9:00 and all too often staying up until 10 or 11.

I'm tired.

I'd rather have them both getting up early, than staying up late, honestly. I don't care for getting up before the sun is fully up, but I can live with it. And it bodes well for when Arielle starts school! Gabrielle's behavior is going to have to undergo a fundamental change, though. She's getting to a point where she's about ready to give up naps, so I'm thinking I'll just cut her nap back to an hour, until we get her a toddler bed to replace her crib. Then there'll be no keeping her down anyway, so we'll just let naptime go.

Oh, how sad I am! No more naptime. No more peaceful island in the middle of the day where I have at least one child down.

Here's my fantasy: They go to bed at 7 every night, fall asleep quickly, and don't wake up until 7 the next morning. Then they play all day nicely and happily with each other, without screaming (our latest game is "how loudly can I scream while my sister is chasing me?" Which sends Michael absolutely over the edge. He really hates noise. Unless he's the one making it.)

Yes, well, I can dream, can't I?

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