Monday, August 15, 2005

Third Cousin, Four Times Removed

I have always been interested in family history. I come from a family where we tell stories about our great-grandparents as much as about each other. The husband, on the other hand, comes from a family where he is pretty much the only person left on one side of his family and no-one is really interested on the other side of the family.

We have a few names, and we've done a little bit of genealogy here and there. Lately, though, the bug has really bitten me. Luckily, the husband is not jealous of his family; he is happy that I'm so interested in finding out about them. After all, he pointed out to me, they're my family now, too.

One of the names we have is very unusual, and when I plugged it into a search engine this weekend I came up with loads of stuff. Evidently there's been a lot of research done on this particular family. I've spent hours getting all the information into our genealogy program and I'm still nowhere near done.

One of the interesting things I ran across was a will, by an early family member, who was evidently seriously ticked off at his oldest son. He divided his estate pretty equally amongst all his children, except that son. The poor guy only got one shilling from his father. Yowch. I wonder what happened to make Dad so upset?

I love family history. It's so fun!

If you don't see me updating regularly for a little while, it'll be because I'm all obsessed with genealogy. Bear with me. I'll get back to reality eventually, I'm sure. Or at least run out of what information is out there on the internet.

I think I found out why the father mentioned earlier cut off his son. Evidently the son had gotten divorced three years before the will was written. I'm inclined to think that might have been the source of the problem. The sad thing is, it doesn't look like they ever made up.

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