Monday, March 01, 2004

Do you know where your strengths lie?

Multiple Intelligences Test

Interesting. My degree is in psychology, I'm a writer, usually self-employed and I recently started exploring an interest in photography. Predictable, me? Nah!

The Seven Intelligence Areas

Linguistic: 9
Logical-Mathematical: 6
Spatial: 8
Bodily-Kinesthetic: 5
Musical: 6
Interpersonal: 7
Intrapersonal: 11

A Short Definition of your Highest Score

Intrapersonal - the ability to assess one's own strengths, weaknesses, talents, and interests and use them to set goals, to understand oneself to be of service to others, to form and develop concepts and theories based on an examination of oneself, and to reflect on one's inner moods, intuitions, and temperament and to use them to create or express a personal view. Possible vocations that use the intrapersonal intelligence include planner, small business owner, psychologist, artist, religious leader, and writer.

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