Monday, January 10, 2005

No, dear, it's not edible

Yesterday at church they were handing out small polished stones they were calling Prayer Rocks. The idea is to have this where you'll see it or bump into it (say on your pillow) and remember to pray.

Afterward, the extras were left in a little basket on a table in the hall, which is where the preschooler saw them. She got very excited and asked her Daddy to let her have one.

After some back and forthing it came out that she thought they were candy. It took a great deal to pry her loose, and even then she went off to her children's class only after letting Daddy know that she was planning to have some candy later.

Sure enough, the rocks were still there after church was over and an obliging adult, seeing her interest, gave her one while I was distracted. The next thing I heard was, "Mommy I can't eat dis!"

We're lucky she bit down gently!

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