Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Growing up way too fast

There we are, Arielle at preschool, Gabrielle watching Go, Diego, Go, and Mommy grabbing a few quiet moments on the computer. Suddenly Diego asks the watching children what he needs to get down the waterfall (a hang glider) and instead of answering, as she usually does when watching Diego, Gabrielle turns to me and buries her head in my leg for a second. Then she turns a quarter of the way back to the television screen, basically looking over her shoulder, to watch Diego.

She kept this up for the rest of the show. Later, he asks the audience to say something. She repeats it, then turns away again with a shy little smile on her face and lean against me for a moment before looking back at the screen.

I know for sure she's not scared of the show, because when she's scared she acts completely differently.

I think she has a bit of a crush on Diego.

This makes both the girls. I think I'll pass on mentioning this to their father. Something tells me he won't be entirely happy with this latest developmental stage.

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