Sunday, April 02, 2006

Oh, yeah, I'll be kicking back this week.

I am so tired.

We got a truck the Saturday we were moving. Not the 24 foot we had reserved, but a 17 foot, which had the advantage of being easier to maneuver when you're trying to back into a driveway. So that was nice.

What wasn't an advantage was that we wound up doing 2 trips, after which our helpers were too tired to go on. So, I spent all of last week trying to empty the rest of the house on my own, using our minivan with the third seat taken out. By myself, might I add, because the husband was gone on a business trip and Michael refused to help.

(He pitched a big, ugly temper tantrum the night before the move and we wound up losing over an hour because of it. And then he took off with his friends overnight, which was what he'd been angling for all along. I don't have words strong enough to describe how I feel about the whole thing. Teenagers: God's way of making it easier to let your children leave home.)

The husband was back by Friday, so we rented another 17 foot truck and wound up packing that to the brim. And we still had to take down the swingset in the backyard.

We are, however, completely out of there now. And I am NEVER, NEVER, NEVER moving again. It will take dynamite to blast me out of here and I mean it.

The move has been hard on the girls. Gabrielle keeps waking up sobbing in the middle of the night, and they've both been crankier than usual. They do love it here, though. Because of the way this house is laid out it's a lot easier for them to get outside on their own, and easier for me to keep an eye on them, not to mention get to them quickly if need be. Which means they're playing outside almost constantly. And when they're not outside, they're downstairs in their new play area in the basement. The husband is going to set up a tent down there for them to use as a fort, which will make it even better.

I love having a full basement.

The garage is jammed packed full of boxes and with everything I was doing at the old house over the last week nothing has gotten unpacked inside the house, so it looks like a cardboard box factory exploded in here. And I haven't gotten my dryer set up yet, because the plug doesn't fit the outlet. It's easy to fix, but our screwdriver got broken in the move by a friend of Michael's (trying to take apart the swingset. Never use a screwdriver to do the job of an Allen wrench.) (We appreciated the help anyway.) So I need to go back to the home improvement store and get a new screwdriver, as well as a new faucet for the master bathroom tub, because the current one broke sometime today. And we need to fix the main bathroom toilet which is making a trickling noise constantly. And get the curtains up, but I need to get new rods first, which means I have to measure and see how long I will need the new rods to be. And get an over the toilet shelving unit for the main bathroom, too, since there isn't any storage to speak of in there.

And a whole bunch of other things, but still. It's a lot less than I've had to do over the last couple of weeks. It'll be almost relaxing!

Just as soon as I can start taking care of the mountains of laundry piling up in the corners of our bedrooms.

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